The regulations and restrictions applying to the container your pet travels in are very exacting. We share the concerns of IATA and the airlines in ensuring that your pet will be safe, comfortable and have adequate space in which to stand up and manoeuvre during the long journey. WE WILL NOT CRAM ANIMALS INTO CRATES!
We can supply either rigid plastic travel kennels or tailor made wooden crates depending on your personal requirements and destination. Wire crates are NOT acceptable by any airline either on domestic or international flight. Some airlines will not accept wooden crates, however they are cheaper than plastic crates.
Like most airlines, we prefer the security of the plastic containers, the hygiene of the plastic containers and the fact that they are able to be
recycled at the end of your journey, thus allowing you to recover some of the costs. However in the case of larger dogs, it is more often than not simply uneconomical to use a plastic container and in these instances GLOBAL PETS will advise you, can give you a quoted option of either variety and if you select a wooden container, we can make it for you on our premises.
It is essential that your pet travels in a container of the correct size and type. Certain containers, even if accepted by some airlines, simply do not give your pet adequate protection. This is one area where we do not believe that economy should be considered.
The container must have:
- Ventilation on all four sides.
- "Bumper Bars" or be wider in the middle than the top and bottom.
- Door pin protectors to protect accidental opening.
- A secure side latching system (we recommend screwed or bolted together).
- In larger containers, a horizontal support pin for added security and strength.
- An internal deep water container which is accessible by external funnel and/or hose (Only required on international flights).
Wooden crates must be made of 12mm ply ON ALL FOUR SIDES and have double wire affixed by beading over all ventilation areas and doors.
Some countries require the travel containers to be sealed by MPI authorities and to be unbroken on arrival at destination. GLOBAL PETS makes these arrangements for you.
Striving to be the best and the most caring pet transportation organisation
We CARE for your pet. When making plans for your pet's travel, our top priority will be its comfort and security
We CARE for your pet. When making plans for your pet's travel, our top priority will be its comfort and security